We want to provide you with a tool to maximize your results with prospects online. The Dream 100 Method will have you make a list of the 100 prospects that you want to connect with most as an SMR. You can make the list as small or big as you want, but the key is to list your dream prospects and make a continued effort to intentionally connect with them as a person online. It can seem like a daunting task, but now is the perfect time to begin this method. It only requires 30 minutes of your day. You can watch the walkthrough video here, or read the instructions below to learn how to use this method.
To make the most out of this tool, we encourage you to set aside 30 minutes in your daily routine to engage with 5 of your prospects. You can engage with more prospects or take as much time as you want, but use this as the minimum. The key to success with The Dream 100 is to work on building connections with your prospects CONSISTENTLY. It might be a slow start to begin with, but the work you put in will compound and begin to show results. We created a worksheet to help you make the most of The Dream 100 method. Below are instructions on how to best utilize it.
This field is for you to input the name of your prospect, as well as answer 2 important questions: 1. What Value Can You Provide Them OUTSIDE Of Your Product? and 2. What Is Your ASK of them? Question 1 is important, because you want to be able to offer your prospect something beyond what you are wanting to sell them. Ask yourself what can you do for them? Do you have knowledge they can benefit from? Do you have connections they would be interested in? Can you offer them a free ERP consultation? Think beyond your normal restoration services and this will help you build a better relationship.
What you measure, you manage. By keeping a record of all your interactions with your prospects, you can easily recall how you have both interacted in the past. Remembering something small from a previous interaction and recalling it in another can have a big impact to your prospect and make them feel important. The more you can record these type of interactions, the more trust you can build with your prospect.
This field helps you build a profile of your prospect and allows you to make note of connection points with them. After you have identified and found your prospect online, browse through their social profiles to learn as much as you can about their interests and relevant details. This notes field allows you to fill info out for both.
Take note about what your prospect posts about the most. The goal is to learn about your prospect as a person, and not as their work position. Take notice about what they’re interested in. Do they post a lot about a certain sport? What about their family? or a hobby that they have like playing music or woodworking? Every detail matters and is unique to your prospect. The more connection points you have, the easier it will be to connect with them.
While you are browsing through your prospect’s posting, also make note of any relevant details. A job change, moving or new addition to the family are obvious ones. Try to look for something more subtle too. Can you spot a pattern in their posting? Are they working on something important? Are they trying to accomplish something? Whatever details you find, whether as simple as an event or an ongoing pattern that you notice, are important to helping you build out the profile of your prospect.
The contact fields are included so that you have a section to quickly visit your prospect’s social media profiles, as well as have access to their email address and phone number without have to dig through contacts in your address book. Once you have found your prospect’s appropriate social media profiles, link them in these fields. You can add more outside of Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or Twitter if you want. The advantage with these fields is that with one click, you can instantly visit you prospect’s profiles without getting too far away from your worksheet.
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